♥ 紫苑姉妹 ♥

Hello!! Thank you for coming!



Buenos dias(*´∀`)♪ Did you have a good holiday?? I was substantial four holidays(*>∀<*)ノ 21 I and牧 went Odaiba!We got on the ferreis wheel I was excited! But he was frightened.“shaking from the wind“(ToT) I stood up and took a photographb…


I called with my younger sister other day. Do you recognize her? She is Aopu! Aopu is my sister and my treasure❤️ and army I talked about this blog. Then, “What? Are you for real? It is unbelievable that the blog with friend follows more t…


1. What is your name? Nero 2.How old are you? 32 3. What is your blood type? What is your horoscope? O crab 4.Show your best and worst features. best→Absolute honesty worst→Egotism 5.Show your charming features. Radish legs 6.What is your …


Buenos dias おはよう hace calor!! 暑いね~ I and my sister called BF“牧“ Becuse he is the best! by Taoka!haha Let's call him “牧“ “牧紳一“ Today,I am going to the quartet lesson! there is once a month. I want to play the violin more better…


I talk about my current condition I got boyfriend He is very wonderful person! I have never seen such a nice as him! I want to meet him everyday If I can do it. The life is not identified what happens. I want to be more beautiful I want to…


Hora! soy Nero 🙋 I had very good time yesterday and today! Thank you for all of things🙌紫苑姉妹は新しくこちらのホームページで更新します😆 英語、時々スペイン語を勉強してますので更新頑張ります😂😂コメント待ってるよー✨