♥ 紫苑姉妹 ♥

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Hora!(*^^*) Recently,comfortable wether! This year is end soon How time flies! I decided to slim 2kg when meet him next time Becuse I have gained more weight than before(´;ω;`) I think, Woman's weight is change in a month.so I don't mind…

Nero again

この話には続きがありまして笑 そのモヤモヤしてたことに関連して 昨夜、あれ、教員免許って紙だっけ?賞状だっけ?というかどこにあるんだっけ? ていうか3月で卒業して10年てことは期限切れる? え、あんなに頑張って授業受けたのに資格なくなるのー?…


Yesterday I felt sick I got advice from person who takeing care of me But I couldn't accept that she said 昨日、お世話になってる方から仕事についてアドバイスをもらったんだけど 自分の考え方は間違っているのか 理由をつけて動いてないだけなのか …



KAORI‖Dolce & Gabbana

I heard 香水 and 紅蓮華 for the first time. I was curious about these songs,because both are popular.Dolce & Gabbana is stuck in my head when I listen to 香水.My husband sings this song’s humming recently.I finally started watching 鬼滅の…


Hi! It's getting colder everyday,isn't it? I stay parent's house now. I like this time when time alone weekday daytime I work from Saturday. I won't have any holiday for a while(;つД`) 実家で家族が仕事に行ってる昼間、 一人でケーブルテレビ…

KAORI‖Runny nose

On weekends, my runny nose didn't go away and I spent all my time at home watching Disney and other works, except for housework and childcare.My husband took care of son, so I was very helpful. When I enjoyed the time by myself,I made a wi…

Soy Nero

Hora! como estas? I'm drinking coffee☕and eating cakenow. This time is my favorite time❤️ I need alone time. 最近デートしたり帰省したりで予定もりもりの週末ばかりで 楽しいこともあり イライラしたりモヤモヤしたり疲れることもあって 何だかなー…


Hora! Yesterday, I and 牧went 七里ヶ浜and鎌倉 I ride 江ノ電for the first time. Sea was really beautiful and I was moved! I had so happy time. Time flies when we are having good time⌚ We can't meet for a while(;ω;) Becuse he will take lic…

KAORI‖The changing of the seasons

Hi!How's it going?It feels more like fall now.I made shiratama dumplings on the weekend,because it's the harvest moon.My son was having fun making it.He made a Baymax dumpling,because he watched this movie recently.We had a good time−−−−−…

KAORI‖The good old days

Thank you for always reading our posts!♥ いつも紫苑姉妹を見てくれてありがとうございます!We would appreciate your continued cooperation. 今後とも末永く宜しくお願い致します😊I wish happiness for all the people around me.🌠 紫苑姉妹とその周りの…